Saturday, February 6, 2010

Kylee's second month

This month has brought about many changes for us! First, Kylee had a very young visitor from Maryland come to see her...Her cousin Olivia, who is only 4 weeks older than her. They spent alot of time together sleeping, pooping and crying! While Kylee was visiting with her cousin, Chris and I were busy moving! Yep- moving! We decided that with Chris' new job and me going back to work, it would be easier if we lived with my parents. So, that is just what we did and it was a good decision for us. My parents are such a blessing and so helpful with Kylee. It is nice to have so much extra help!

I also went back to work in January, after taking 6 weeks off. I wasn't ready to go back to work, but are you ever ready? It was a hard adjustment to make! Kylee still seemed to young for me to leave with a sitter, even if the sitter was my mom! I started back mid-week, which made for a short week, which was a nice way to transiton back to work. Then we had a 3 day weekend and another short week!

Kylee is beginning to settle in to a good routine now, thanks to Babywise and my good friend, Kim! I think I called Kim on a daily basis asking for help and advice. I soon learned, that no baby is the same and you cant expect your baby to be just like a book! Kylee wakes up around 7:30 or 8, eats, plays and takes a morning nap around 10, for about an hour. Then she once again, eats, plays and naps around 1 for an hour or two. She wakes, eats, plays and takes a cat-nap in the early evenings. After dinner, around 8:00, Kylee gets a bath. We rub her down the Johnson's nighttime lotion and give her the last bottle at 8:30. By 9:00, Kylee is usually passed out for the night! Kylee will sleep anywhere from 6-8 hours straight, before getting up for a bottle, then go back to sleep till morning. While this routine is wonderful, it doesnt happen every night! Some nights, she will wake up more than usual, others she will sleep longer than usual! Some days, she doesnt nap as well, and other days she will sleep all day! The worst nights are when she is up three times to eat or refuses to go back to sleep and then best night was when she slept from 10 pm- 6 am! However, she didn't go back to sleep after her 6 am feeding, but thats okay because we got 8 hours of sleep!

At 5 weeks old, we decided to get newborn pictures taken of Kylee. We found a wonderful newborn photographer and she took some great pictures of Kylee asleep! We were very glad we ended up getting these pictures done! They are toooo cute!

Kylee is also beginning to smile and coo! She smiles the most in the mornings! We love seeing her smile and hearing her try to talk to us!

Kylee's second month ended with her 2 month check-up appointment and SHOTS!! Oh my, what a day!! Kylee weighed in at 9 lbs 7 oz and 21 1/2 inches long. This puts her in the 5th percentile for her height and 25th percentile for her weight! She is doing good and the doctor is pleased with her growth. Kylee got three shots, which she cried so hard instantly that she couldnt catch her breath. She did great after we picked her up and was fine the rest of the evening. We came home and I gave her tylenol at 4:30. All of a sudden, at 8 pm Kylee started screaming at the top of her lungs! Her leg was red and swollen from her hip to her knee and she cried for 2 straight hours!!! We tried to give her a bath, called the on call nurse, put cold compresses on her legs, tried to give her a bottle and finally gave her more tylenol at 9:00. She refused the bottle and cried herself to sleep at 10:00. I felt so bad for her and it made me cry! The next day, she was still slightly fussy but by mid afternoon she was finally feeling better. Thank goodness!

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