Sunday, November 29, 2009

Week 38

Well, this is it! My last post before I am a MOM! It's a scary reality and I can't believe the time is actually here! At last weeks appointment, things went good. My cervix is still completely closed but everything looks good with the baby. Chris tried to call the Doctor and have him induce me even earlier than my schedule induction because he was worried about the baby! They did a Biophysical ultrasound and Kylee passed with an 8 out of 8 so the Doctor has kept my scheduled time. I am so glad I am not going any earlier than that because I would certainly not be ready! I am scheduled to go in November 30th to be given Cervidil to soften my cervix up and then Tuesday morning they will start the Pitocin to start my contractions. The Doctor said Kylee should be here by Tuesday evening or night! My last day of work was Tuesday and then Wednesday we finished up running a few errands. Thursday and Friday, we enjoyed time with the families celebrating Thanksgiving! Today is Sunday and we are getting the house cleaned up and ready to go before we go in tomorrow! I am hoping to have a smooth labor, just like my entire pregnancy but due to the fact that they are inducing, its a week early, I am not dialated at all, etc... there is a higher chance I will have a C-section. We are trying to go natural (of course I will be getting an epidural) but we never know what could happen. I am just hoping that its one or the other and I dont end up laboring all day, to find out in the end I need a C-section! Please keep me and my family in your prayers as we get ready for this big adventure we are about to face tomorrow! I cant wait to meet our daughter and will be sure to post pictures soon!! Thanks for all the love and support throughout the last 9 months!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Week 37- Full Term!!

Hard to believe I am full term and Kylee can now arrive safely in this world! Where did time go? It was so slow getting this far, and then all of a sudden things started moving really fast! I had my ultrasound and Doctor's appointment on Tuesday of this week. The ultrasound showed that Kylee is 5.7 pounds and now in the 18th percentle. Her abdomen is also measuring small. Therefore, the Doctor wants to be overly cautious and induce me by 39 weeks. He is worried about the possibility of growth deficiencies. Holy cow, all of a sudden my three week deadline, has turned in to two!! It was quite a reality check! I am a little concerned but the Doctor has been very reassuring that he just wants to be on the safe side of things. I trust him and know he is going to do whats best for me and for Kylee. I thought this meant my last day of work would be December 1st and I would be induced on December 2nd. However, I have a parent that is a nurse at the hospital and she looked at the schedule for me. It turns out, the doctor has schedule me for induction on November 30th! OH my- that is only a week and half away! Suddenly, I have realized how close that is!!!!!!!! I have so much to do and so litle time! My goal this weekend is to do my Christmas shopping, buy a few baby things we need, and finish reading Babywise! I can't believe I am this close to the end! I have another Doctor's appointment on Wednesday and they are going to do the NST test. I hope everything turns out okay! I am praying that Kylee arrives healthy and ready to be a part of our family! I cant wait to meet our daughter!!

Week 35 and 36

Time is creeping up on us now! We are ready for anything at this point! Kylee's room is finished, we have washed and put away everything, had the carseats installed (by our wonderful Firemen!) and have the hospital bags packed and ready to go! The only thing I have left to do is to finish reading "BabyWise"! It's definitely getting a lot harder to move around these days- slow and steaady is the only way! Of course, with the constant interruption of going to the bathroom every 30 minutes too! The upside to that, is I managed to avoid getting all these illnesses going around since I wash my hands so often! I still have one swollen foot and cankle! The other foot decided not to swell! My feet look like they belong to two different people. LOL!

This week, the only craving I have had has been for Pomegranates! YUMMO!

My weekly Doctor's visit are going okay so far. I have not dialted at all and Kylee is still keeping active in my belly. I got a call from the Doctor's office to schedule another ultrasound for 37 weeks. I will be considered full term then, so we will see what the Doctor has to say!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 33 and 34

The ultrasound and Doctor's appointment went good. Kylee looks healthy at 4 lbs 7 oz and in the 32%ile. Of course, ultrasounds are not 100% accurate. If she continues to gain her half pound a week, by 40 weeks she should be around 7 lbs 7 oz. We got a few 3D ultrasound pictures again and reconfirmed for the 6th time that it is definitely a girl. The "hamburger" picture was the most clear picture we have of our baby! LOL! The Doctor said that everything looks good, but because my abdomen was measuring slightly small, he wants to make sure that Kylee is still growing properly. He wants to do another ultrasound around 37-38 weeks.

We have finally gotten to the point where we are counting down the weeks until our baby's due date, rather than counting up! 5 more weeks! YIPPEE! I am excited and scared! I can't wait to meet our little girl, but I am nervous about labor and being responsible for a newborn! Kylee's room is finally complete, all her things are washed and we have put the cradle in our bedroom. We are using the cradle that my mom used when my sister and I were babies! We take our birth and baby class this coming weekend too! I have not packed my hospital bag quite yet and I still want to read "BabyWise". I put the reading off till last because I know I'm going to want to relax more in the next coming weeks! Work is dragging on and some days I have more energy than other days, but overall I am still feeling pretty good. My cravings haven't been too crazy. I have been back on an apple kick...applesauce, apple pie, baked apples, etc.... My ankle swelling has gone down some and my weight gain has been normal, unlike my last appointment! We now will start going to the Doctor's every week until my due date!