Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week 20

This week, we had another ultrasound to finish getting the pictures that Baby Weaver wouldn't cooperate for two weeks ago. This time, she was much more cooperative and we got some more great pics to add to our collection! She is moving around a lot and her mouth seems to be moving a lot too! Is this a sign that she's gonna be like me and talk a lot???? Uh oh!

We also tackled registering this week. We started at Target, but after we got set up in the computer system, their scanners weren't working so we didn't get to actually "register" for anything. Then on Friday, we went to Babies R' Us to register. It was quite a fun and overwhelming experience. Chris was so particular about the stroller and car seat that he spent about 45 minutes testing them all out, before deciding on anything! After that, he was done! He said "okay, let's go home!" I got him through a few more isles of stuff, and then he sat in the rocking chair and watched me do the rest! After we finished at Babies R' Us, we went to have dinner. At dinner, Chris said "You know, it doesn't really matter when a guy goes to register because he doesn't know what the baby needs and doesn't get anything he wants!" Ha ha! I guess I allowed his input, but my choices always won! While we are not anywhere near done with the registry, we did at least get through some of the big stuff. Kim and I are going back next week to hopefully finish registering for everything.

As for me this week, everything is still going good. I am sleeping better at night and my cravings haven't been anything crazy. I notice what I am in the "mood" for when I am grocery shopping because I tend to come out with just one or two types of food. This week was Chocolate and Fruit! I am feeling the baby kick and move more and more every day. It's a really cool experience! Oh, and how could I forget? I am officially half way through my pregnancy! 20 weeks down and 20 more to go!!!!!!! I can't believe I am 20 weeks already! It will be here before we know it!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 19

Wow! Another week has come and gone! This week I am beginning to feel the baby moving! I usually can feel her moving in the mornings while I'm sitting in bed or after dinner, if I am sitting real still. It is a very light movement, and I sometimes even mistake my stomach growling for the baby kicking! Ha ha! I can't wait until her movements are strong enough for Chris to start feeling too!

I am no longer allowed to sleep on my stomach, so I invested in the Snoogle Body pillow (thanks to the recommendation from Tiffany and Daniel) and that has been a lifesaver! Without the body pillow, I can't sleep all night because my hips begin to hurt from sleeping on my side! This week, we are also thinking hard about baby names! We have narrowed down to two potential girl names: Kylie Marie Weaver or Alyssa "Allie" Marie Weaver. While we love both names.....I like Kylie better and Chris like Alyssa better, so we can't come to a decision! I am pretty sure we won't be making a decision anytime soon! It's such a permanent thing and we want to make sure were are 100% before making a final decision on our baby's name that she will have to keep the rest of her life!

Next week, we will be going to the doctor's for another ultrasound, since Baby Weaver did cooperate fully at our last appointment. I will post pictures as soon as we get some! I can't wait to see a picture of our baby again!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week 18- It's a GIRL!!

This week has been full of anticipation and anxiety as we were going to finally find out the sex of the baby! We had our big ultrasound appointment on Thursday, July 9th at 1:30! Time was passing so slowly on Thursday! My sister, Kristen, joined us for this appointment too. We made the ultrasound technician wait to tell us if it was a boy or a girl until Kristen got there and then when she finally arrived we found out it was a GIRL! We got to see some really cool 3D pictures of the baby and even got to see her yawning on the screen! SO COOL! Although, our baby girl was not at all shy about showing us she was indeed a girl, she was not cooperating for the technician to get all the pictures they needed. The baby would not flip over so that she could get pictures of her heart. The ultrasound technician had me rolling from side to side, pushing on my stomach and eventually doing jumping jacks and hopping up and down! I had to do all these things with my shirt up because I had lotion on my belly and I had a paper blanket stuffed into my pants! It was quite entertaining to Kristen and Chris, I am sure! The baby won the fight and now I have to go back in two weeks for another ultrasound to hopefully complete the pictures! I can't say I am sad that I have to have another ultrasound!

Other News this week: A couple days after my ultrasound, I discoverd yet another rash on my stomach! I think I actually had a reaction to the lotion they used during the ultrasound! The rash was only where they do the ultrasound. AHH! Luckily, this rash was not as bad as the Cocoa Butter rash and it went away quickly! That's about all the crazy stuff this week, other than cravings! This week's craving was Smores Poptarts! Yeah baby! I look forward to this upcoming week, as my pregnant cousin, Amanda (due October 31st with a girl too) and her family are coming in town for the week and staying with us! I talked Amanda in to doing prenatal yoga with me. Let's see how attempt #2 of Yoga goes for me!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Week 17

We finally had a Doctor's appointment Monday morning at 10:00 am. We spent more time waiting, than we actually did with the Doctor! We got to hear the heartbeat again on the Doppler and it was now at 157 beats per minute. The Doctor said everything looks good and everything is where is should be. I had some blood work done too, for part of the first trimester screening and that came back clear as well. It seems like this week I am starting to get a "baby bump". Every morning I wake up and feel like I got bigger! Most of my clothes don't fit anymore and I am not quite in maternity clothes! Kind of an awkward stage!

I decided that I wanted to try to take a Prenatal yoga class this week. Let me start by saying, I am not one that works out on a regular basis. I go for walks and stuff but do not have a clue how to use any of the equipment at the gym and even though I have had a gym membership for two years, I have only been twice! When I walked in to the Yoga place, everyone looked way further along in their pregnancy than me so I started to feel like maybe I started too early. I realized later that I wasn't the only one in the beginning of the second trimester. Yoga was fun but I am not a very coordinated person! These girls that were 8 months pregnant were doing awesome and I couldn't even balance on one leg without wobbling! I must say, however, as uncoordinated as I was, I felt good and relaxed when I left. I might even try again and hope that next time I don't look like quite as big of a fool as I did this time!

That's about all that's gone on this week! We are getting very excited about our upcoming ultrasound on Thursday! Only one more week until we find out if Baby Weaver is a Prince or a Princess!

Week 15-16

School is out and I finally got my classroom packed up so I could officially start summer break. I spent a few days Spring Cleaning and organizing the house. I cleaned out the closet of the guest room that is downstairs, as that will become the baby's room. We are anxiously awaiting our next Doctor's appointment which will be on Monday! We haven't had an appointment in a month! I am still feeling great and have had no morning sickness. I have had some wierd cravings but they are mostly all short lived ones. I have been addicted to popsicles and then had cravings for pepperoni, Doritoes, fruit, strawberry milk and Pad Thai! Thank goodness, I was able to talk Chris in to taking me for Pad Thai that night! Not too much going on this week!

Week 14

I can't believe how quick the first trimester came and went! I still don't "feel" pregnant! I decided to tell my class this week since school is out next week and the gossip has begun to spread around school. I emailed all the parents and told them first. I wanted to give parents the chance to tell their kids, if they were more comfortable talking to them, in case "where do babies come from?" type of questions came up. It was tricky deciding how to tell a first grader since they dont really understand the concept of pregnancy! On Friday morning, I sat down my class as we shared our usual morning of "good news". I could tell the kids that already knew because they had these smiles on their face like "I know what you are about to tell!!". I told the kids that when they came back next year, I wanted them to come back to visit me and when they came by, my belly would be a lot bigger because I am going to have a baby! They all were soo cute with their excitement and surprised faces! The girls were way more excited about it than the boys. I showed the kids the ultrasound pictures and answered some of their questions like "so is that why Mrs. Gray was trying to make you fat and bring you all that food?" and "How does the baby get nutrients from what you eat?". Very curious little minds! I was amazed at seeing pregnancy through the mind of a 7 year old! After that day, I began to find that some of the girls in my class were so excited that they couldnt help but to "pet" my belly and make comments like "oh yeah, Mrs. Weaver I can tell your belly is growing!" They even came up with long lists of baby names and voted on their favorites! I must say that this is an amazing group of genuine kids!

I was glad to see the end of the school year finally arrive, but it is always bittersweet! I will miss these kids and have to start all over next year, but look forward to a fun-filled and busy summer and we begin to get ready for a baby!

Week 10-13 and First Trimester Screening

As far as the first trimester goes, I have been very very fortunate to have had no morning sickness, just a couple of times where I got a little nauseas! I did however, begin using Palmer's Cocoa Butter for Stretch Marks and ended up having a terrible allergic reaction to it! I broke out in a rash on my entire stomach and legs that took two weeks to go away! I took benedryl to help with the rash and forgot that it makes you drowsy! I took it right before doing open house for my sister during the Parade of Homes. Needless to say, when my mom stopped by to check on me, I was passed out on the couch! Oops- I guess I dont make the best realtor, since I was sleeping on the job! I haven't start to get a "bump" yet, but my clothes are starting to get a big snug. I have, however, noticed some changes in my mood! I could be a bit irrational and emotional sometimes, like when.......
Chris had started working out and starting a crazy new "lots of meat" diet. He told me he was going to go to the gym one night. I looked at him and cried as I said " you are trying to get all buff and I am about to get fat!!" Of course later, I could look back and laugh about how silly I was being but at the moment, I was still taking in all the changes that were about to happen to us!

Chris and I debated over doing the first trimester screening because so many people end up with "False positives" but we decided to go ahead and do it. I knew that the screening would help Chris sleep at night knowing that our baby is healthy. I was soo nervous the night before the appointment that I, once again, started crying! The next day I went to the doctor's office and Chris met me there. While I was sitting there, in walked my mom! Chris knew how nervous I was, so he asked my mom to come too! This time, the ultrasound looked much more like a baby, than a bean! We saw legs, arms, fingers, a nose, a spine, brain...everything! Baby Weaver has all the baby parts and looks good! The baby's heart rate this time is 168 beats per minute. We asked the ultrasound technician if she could tell yet if it was a boy or a girl. She said that "it looked like a girl" and she showed us how the genetalia forms differently for a girl or a boy. We were both in total shock, as we truly thought, without a doubt, it would be a boy! It's still a little early to be 100% positive its a girl. We are not convinced yet and will find out for sure at our next ultrasound on July 9th!

After we had another good ultrasound, I began telling people at work. Starting with my boss, of course! He was quite hysterical in his reaction too! I kept telling him I needed to meet with him but it would only take a few minutes. After several days of not being able to meet, I walked in to his office and said "I just want to let you know before you hear from someone else or in case I have to miss any work because of appointments, but I am pregnant!" He looked at me with a few seconds pause and then said "Oh, Oh....Well, congratulations!" Ha ha! I have not told my student or parents yet!

The Very Beginning....Week 1-9

Where do I start? Lets start from the very beginning. Chris and I got married on March 29, 2008 in Las Vegas, Nevada. After being married 6 months, we decided we wanted to start trying to grow our family and just see what happened. We thought it would be easy! After several months of unsuccessful attempts, we realized that I wasn't ovulating. We made an appointment at the infertility specialist in February 2009. The doctor decided to put me on a small dose of clomid to see if that would work. I took the clomid and went back for my blood work on day 21. The numbers came in at 11. As the internet is my worst nightmare, I found that anything below 15 was not a good number, even though the nurse said anything over 10 is good. I figured it was another month of not getting pregnant for us. I was not having regular cycles, so I took a pregnancy test to see if I needed to take Provera again to get regulated. On April 4Th, at 5:30 in the morning, to my surprise the test was positive! I about fell off the toilet in shock!! I was in such shock that it didn't even cross my mind that I should tell my husband in a special way that we were PREGNANT! I ran into the bedroom and yelled in his year, as he was asleep "Babe! I'm pregnant!!" I think he thought the house was on fire! It took a few minutes to register and then he finally realized that it was true. That morning, I took two other test just to confirm that it was really true and indeed it was!

After we got past the initial shock, we wanted to tell the family right away. My parents and Chris' parents both were bugging us for grandkids! I went shopping with Kim and bought some bibs that said "I love grandma" and "I love Grandpa" and "When Mommy says No, ask Grandma". Chris and I were supposed to go to a dinner party with my parents later that afternoon, so instead of meeting them there, we asked them to pick us up. My mom was confused by us asking, but they agreed to pick us up anyway. When we got in the car, Chris told my parents we got them a thank you gift. My mom opened the bag and saw the bib that said "When Mommy says no, ask Grandma". She looked at me and said "What are you trying to say?' with a big smile on her face. I told her to look further in the bag and she dug in like a kid with a candy jar! She pulled out the pregnancy test and started shouting with excitement! My dad threw his car in park in the middle of the street and said "its about time!!" We laughed, because we have only been married a year! Then we told my mom she had to keep it a secret, because I had not told my sister yet. I think that was the hardest night of my mom's life, but she managed to keep in quiet (for that night atleast!).
We ended up leaving the party early so we could go to Lexington to tell Chris' parents. We told them we had something to give to them that couldnt wait! When we walked in, we gave Chris' mom the bag and she didnt even take the bib out of the bag before she said "Oh my goodness, you're pregnant!!"
The next day was my sister's birthday and she did not know yet! So after she was good and tipsy from her birthday and everyone had left, we told her the good news. She was soo excited to find out that she was going to be aunt and could finally have a baby in the family to play with that she can give back at night! The other thing that excited her was that "I was going to get fat, while she is getting skinny!!"
While we did tell all our close friends and family, we were not ready to spill the news to everyone yet..... Everyone did good keeping it a secret for the most part, everyone that is, but my mother and father! My mom would go to a party and tell everyone but the person I didnt want to know and then she would say "but shhhhhh!! dont say anything"!! My dad would come around and say "You're going to kill me but I accidentally told...." Oh well!

I had a Doctor's appointment on Tuesday, April 7th to confirm that I was pregnant and sure enough the blood test was positive too. Then we had our first real appointment at 7 1/2 weeks! We had an ultrasound to check to make sure everything was okay. That was the first time we heard the heart beat and it sank in that "I am realy pregnant and there is a baby growing inside me now!" It was the most unforgettable experience hearing the heartbeat for the first time, even though the picture just looked like a peanut with a heart inside! Our little bean's heart beat was 180 Beats per minute! Everything looked good and we had the first picture of Baby Weaver!
At 9 weeks, I had another check up and we heard the heart beat on the doppler for the first time which was 130 Beats per minute. I thought this was low, but then the nurse said that it is typical for heart beat to be extremely high at 7-8 weeks, then low at 9-10 and then it levels off after that. Everything looked good again!