Thursday, October 22, 2009

Week 31 and 32

I have been very blessed with an easy pregnancy but I know that next several weeks are going to be the most uncomfortable and LONG. I am now starting to experience not being able to bend over, the heart burn, backaches, exhaustion, lack of sleep and water retention! Between my two doctor appointments, which are two weeks apart, I had gained a whoppin' 6 pounds! Holy cow! A couple of days after that appointment I discovered that I have one ankle more swollen than the other and I can no longer wear most of my winter shoes! My hands are a little swollen too, so I can no longer wear my wedding rings! The Doctor didn't seem to concerned, as it is normal in pregnant women and my blood pressure is normal. At my last appointment, I was measuring a little small too, so next week I will get to have another ultrasound! I can't say that I am upset about getting to see Kylee again!

This week, we took on the challenge of completing the baby room! We put together all of Kylee's things including the stroller, car seat, swing, Boppy seat, etc.. Well, I don't know if the word "we" is appropriate here....... Chris played with the new video monitor (which is quite neat), as I put together the Boppy seat and swing! He was totally amazed by all of Kylee's things! I also washed all her clothes and put everything away. It was a bit overwhelming to get started, so I had Kim come and help me :) Thank goodness for her Organizational skills and OCD!! We also bought the rest of the things we needed before Kylee's arrival. All I have left to do is make room in the kitchen for bottles and formula and get all that cleaned and set up! Hopefully the next appointment will go well and I will get to post some ultrasound pictures!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Week 30

This has been a pretty busy and fun week! This week, we got to feel Kylee get the hiccups for the first time! It was a strange movement that we didn't recognize as one of her normal, twists or kicks, so after a few minutes we realized she had the hiccups. Very cool!

We also had our baby shower this weekend! I was pleasantly surprised on Friday afternoon by my two cousins that came in from New Jersey to surprise me just for the shower! It was so nice to see them after 6 long years! I had a lot of people that came in from out of town to help us celebrate and I am so glad that I got to see all of them! The shower was very nice! We had about 45 people attend and Kylee got spoiled rotten! Kylee got so much stuff, that we actually had to take an intermission from opening presents! I feel very blessed to have so many supportive friends and family! Now I am completely overwhelmed getting it all in the house and put away! Hopefully, I will get enough motivation this weekend to start tackling it all!

The rest of the week has been pretty routine! I have had some short lived cravings, that last about 10 minutes! Ha ha! This week, I have though about Buttersnap pretzels, ice cream, peanut butter and jelly, bologna sandwich, Doritos and baked apples! Strange, I know! I can't complain too much because these are foods I can certainly live without, but just foods I think about randomly!

Only 9 more weeks to go!!

Week 28 and 29

Things are pretty much in a steady routine now, so there is not a whole lot of new stuff going on. We got the 4D ultrasound done on Saturday afternoon. That was definitely a fun experience! We invited my mom, dad, sister and Chris' mom and dad to join us. Of course Kylee, once again, was not cooperating with us at all! She was SOUND asleep and refused to wake through the entire ultrasound. We tried everything to get her to wake up! I drank tea, ate fruit snacks, ran up and down the hall, did jumping jacks and even did a hand stand in the waiting room! Kylee remained sound asleep through it all, using my placenta as her pillow! We were very disappointed, but did manage to get a few good pictures! We know that she has nice plump lips and chubby cheeks! After leaving the ultrasound, we went to lunch with all the family and then Kylee was wide awake and started kicking like crazy. Big surprise!

Other than our exciting ultrasound, we had a quick Doctor's appointment this week, and everything continues to look good! One more week down!!!