Saturday, February 6, 2010

Kylee's First Week home!

Kylee's first week came and went pretty fast! It is still hard to believe she is here! We took her to the pediatrician the day after we arrived home. Kylee had not lost any more weight and was doing well so far. She was a pretty good sleeper too! We woke her every 3 hours to eat, even in the night. It was definitely hard to get up every three hours! Especially when there were times we really had to work to keep her awake enough to eat. On top of constant feedings, I was pumping every three hours as well. Kylee didn't latch very well in the hospital and we were not content with her gettting such a minimal amount of colostrum from me, so we began supplementing with formual right away. After 5 days of pumping, I wasn't producing enough, so we decided to just stick to formula. Kylee atleast got my colostrum, which is most important! She is also doing extremely well on formula. We right now are using the expensive, premixed high calorie formula, but she will be off of these soon!

We had tons of visitors coming and going and helping us out. I havent cooked 1 meal since we have been home, because every one else has brought us stuff. It has been soo nice! My parents have been extremely helpful too!

Oh and on a side note, Chris has been doing any amazing job! He is a natural at being a daddy and Kylee already has him wrapped around her finger!! This picture is taken after a LONG night we had where Kylee just didn't want to sleep and was very fussy! We broke all the rules and let her in our bed and let her sleep on her tummy! I know its bad, but we were seriously sleep deprived!

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